Saturday 10 December 2011

Clipper Cafe Glebe Point Road, Glebe

 Our last gathering for the year with the full compliment of all members of the brunch club. To a cafe favourite of the university students Clipper in Glebe. 

Sitting at long share table we all enjoyed our brekkie this morning.

The service at this cafe is fantastic. Absolutely 5 golden eggs! Efficient, fast paced and friendly.

The menu has a wide range to suit all tastes. Brad and I chose eggy crumpets with bacon and maple syrup were an interesting choice, crumpets and egg were a bit on the  solid side - chewy. Andrew's regular big brekkie looked good.  

Brad's friends from Melbourne arrived and brunch was in the midst of text messages of meeting points. A download of the week's activites and the travel plans for Christmas coming together were the general discussion as well as auction viewings still to come.  A scanning of the news is alarming - Gas hub in WA and Polyamory!! what is next - where is the voice of everyday Australians our Federal Government is an embrassment.
Clipper has special significance as it was here in 2010 that I joined these guys quite by accident. We began our Saturday morning adventures and the Brunch Club started for me.

QUIZ 13/15 this week so finished the year on an Distinction average for the last month.

 ANDREW: Wonderful end to a difficult year. Clipper is superb. A full 5 golden eggs from me

BRAD: Oh, I love "the Clipper". Great to end the year where it began for the trio. What a year it has been. Certainly not dull and the Brunch Club has certainly fulfilled its manifesto. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store!

SAL: It was mixed feelings this morning I will miss the two main men now for six weeks or so whilst we go our separate ways for the Christmas break.

As this year comes to an end we had a moment of pause to remember some very close friends we've lost to earthquake and cancer.

So we are all looking ahead to next year and hoping for a positive and bright 2012.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Efendy (Corner Elliott St & Darling St) Balmain

This Turkish cafe was a treat and change from the regular breakfast menu. We sat in the courtyard surrounded by Red Umbrellas and lush greenery very relaxing. The service was excellent.

Food was modern Turkish, the  poached eggs in garlic yoghurt with paprika oil were scrumptious, and the herb and nut gozleme and a version of a big brekkie served with spicy sausage were a hit. Highlight was the homemade lemonade and pomegranate juice - a tangy sweet/sour taste just delicious. 

Conversation was all about the plans for Christmas, travelling to Europe and various career options that are coming up - choices to be made.
The QUIZ this morning was not as brilliant as the last two weeks where we've had perfects scores! Today's effort 13/15 . 

Andrew: Unique and unusual. Beautiful food, design - utter class 5 golden eggs.

Sal: Having been to Turkey a number of times, it was really exciting to find a spot for brunch that has authentic Turkish cuisine. My breakfast was just delicious 5 golden eggs from me.

Brad:  Order envy -Liked the look of Sal's eggs but my gozleme was fine. Also made me want to be back in Constantinople. 4 1/2 golden eggs. Perfect prelude to a great day.


Saturday 26 November 2011

Elephant Boy (Bowral) 26th November 2011

The Brunch Club went on tour again this week. With the rain pouring down and the temperatures dropping where else does one go but The Southern Highlands.
And so we found ourselves at The Elephant Boy Cafe in Bowral.
Top marks for decor and setting. The British Raj resurrected (some of us felt very much at home!) by ubiquitous elephants, pith helmets, books, regalia and all while a b&w classic movie played in the background. Why don't they dress like that anymore? But wait! we speak too soon. The waitress (owner) floats by decked in high-waisted gaberdine slacks and a light decorous blouse topped with moon-like glasses. Floating but never pausing, she was impossible to catch on film but we shall remember her and the care she gave to us.

Top marks also for the coffee which came in french bowls (perhaps in a nod to 'le petit general') and caused one of our members to declare it 'the best ever!'

Inspired we went to Berrima for art and then Mittigong for tea. One of our members (no prize for guessing who) reminisced over her schoolgirl days while we sipped tea and ate chocolate cake at Sturt gallery before returning home to a slightly more sunny Sydney. The joy of the day had blown the clouds away!


BRAD: This is an old haunt of mine when I came through to Kangaroo Valley so I am giving it a steady 4 golden eggs. Eggs Benedict were ok but not the best I've had.

ANDREW: 5 golden eggs for the coffee. 4 overall.

SAL: 5 for the ambience and 4 for coffee and same for food. Bit slow on bringing the extra maple syrup. 4 overall.

QUIZ RESULTS: 15!! gain. Sal was on fire and we surprised even ourselves.

Tea at Sturt Gallery, Mittgong

Saturday 19 November 2011

Maggio's Cammeray 19th Nov, 2011

Brunchers gathered at Maggio's in Cammery a cafe of significance for the originations of this group being the place where many a breakfast/brunch was had with David Patrick. 
Special guests this morning Jackie and Sal added to excellent conversations covering education and the complexities of teaching different genders. More art discussion on the latest auctions and purchases. And lots of fun with the quizz. The service at this Cammeray local was excellent, whilst a little camera shy. The patron's included the tennis ladies and local families enjoying the morning. The menu was easy and all the food was beautifully prepared excellent poached eggs and the frappe's where popular. The only draw back to the cafe is its proximity to a busy road where the trucks were making their presence felt.

QUIZ: 15/15 - with all those bright minds!!!

SAL: Enjoyed the food very good poached eggs and bright company on a day where some of the brunchers were subdued as they reflected on the anniversary of their friends death - 4 golden eggs.

ANDREW: A very sad day for me, the second anniversary of the death of my mentor, Brad's best friend & original Brunch Club founder David Patrick. Very happy to have two of his dearest friends with me Jackie and Brad. "Oh Annie, I still think of you every time I see the sun/ Didn't want a life without you but here I am living one." [Brooke Fraser -Ice on Her Lashes]

BRAD: Like old times. This cafe fits like a comfortable shoe. I have to give it 5 golden eggs just.. well, ... because.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Badde Manors (37 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe) 12th Nov, 2011

Never has a name more aptly matched its product. This cafe is well known among the basket-weaving, organically-dyed, dolphin-friendly locals of inner-city Glebe and has been here on the corner of Glebe Point Road for many years. No doubt, in its day it might have been cutting-edge; what, with its strictly vegetarian menu and comfortable-shoes clientele and all. However, those days are well and truly over and it now seems to be relying purely on the 'habit' and complacency of its customers. Unfortuately, now what you find is a decor, setting and tone that is more shabby than chic and more tacky than trendy.
Baked beans were home-made but a little bland and too many of them for the bread and minute slice of tomato (despite the menu listing it as one of the key items). Mediterranean breakfast at least lived up to its name (if you mean debt-ridden fading Greece, that is). The pancakes were ok and as described but there is still debate over the 'fresh' nature or otherwise of the juices. Don't get us wrong, we love Glebe (and especially its University proximity) but this cafe is no highlight.

Thank goodness we did well with the quiz: 14/15.


SAL: 2 1/2 golden eggs. I liked the waiter but not really inspired by quite average food. Poor service. Past her prime.

ANDREW: 2 1/2 eggs. Well positioned but too complacent.It was my idea to go here not because I thought it was gonna be good but because I think it's good for us to experience a dud once in a while to tell you readers all about.

BRAD: Like the Glebe 'village' markets that are held opposite I returned thinking perhaps there might be something of more substance and interest than the last time I looked, only to find the same tat sold with the same tude. I won't be back (especially when Clipper Cafe is just down the road - see previous brunch club post). Only 2 golden eggs. (and even these is inspired only by one of the waitresses!)

Saturday 5 November 2011

Thelma and Louise, Hayes St Neutral Bay

Early 830am start for Brunch clubbers which suits two of us fine and the other one sometimes has his nose out of joint about brunching before 10am, a controversial point between us. But this time the night owl in fact suggested such an early start due to our very special guest Mummy Bear being with us this morning and her need for an early departure on a 570km route to Coonamble.
Thelma & Louise is one of our very favourite spots. In fact this is now our third brunch club there but first one this year and so first one to be blogged. Besides earning top marks for its eponymous nod to one of our favourite movies, & consequently many ensuing references to driving off the canyon from us, it is a truly beautiful spot. Magnificent sparkling water on the Neutral bay foreshore ferry dock which dominates the outdoor deck part of the cafe, so glorious that we are yet to sit inside.
Food is highly commendable also. Delicious and well presented. I remarked on how the coffee froth resembles a Jackson Pollock.
Great conversations as usual even at such an early hour. Politics, Sydney University colleges (where one of us lives), movies ('Eye of the Storm'), theatre (The exceptional production of 'Summer of the 17th doll' at Belvoir St), Shakespeare conspiracy theories (we scoof at them), fashion (see Mum's matching green number below) and of course more than a few double entendres with Mummy Bear present. Joyous.
The quiz was 13/15 and Sal and Andrew would like to publicly skite that we are now getting the 'what word can precede the following 4 word's questions much quicker than the nascent English professor/doctorate and recently crowned Hunter Baillie fellow.

SAL: 4.5 golden eggs. Perfect brunch club morning. Food, great friends and a sparkling Sydney harbour what more can you ask fo?. Special thank you to my amazing chauffer Brad for my post- surgery care.
BRAD: 4 Golden Eggs  This time we kept a hold of the menu and it didn't fall through the cracks. Thelma & Louise never fails
ANDREW: 5 Eggs unequivocably. What's with my stingy brunch clubbers and their scoring systems? I just completely love this spot and would definitely drive off the canyon with my brunch clubbers in support of this place.

MUMMY BEAR: I'm so happy to take up my position as the Number 1 Brunch club special guest. It's just wonderful to brunch and actually do the quiz with the brains trust rather than doing it on my own at home. Final quote;
"I'm off to pick up my pussy scratcher now from the pet shop before my departure."

Saturday 29 October 2011

Carmels by the Sea, Palm Beach

An early morning drive down through the lush greenery of the Wakehurst Parkway and winding along on top of the ridges to Palm Beach evoked alot of memories. The location has certainly put some polish on since this blogger last visited some years ago now. The smell of the salt in the air a perfect balmy morning and an excellent location. Alot of conversation about the inhabitants of this area our politics, qantas grouding and the state of the nation as well as what next our next visual treat in the cinema is going to be. We were entertained by the young wait staff who had a relaxed casualness about them perfect for the place. We were amused by the way coffee arrived one at a time and the incomprehensive mumble announcement of what was being delivered. Views out on Pittwater, spectacular and the place hasn't changed for some years. See a painting of the original wharf by Lally Low.

Food was excellent and the berry frape served in the old style milkbottles where a hit. Avocado, bacon served on rye with a tomato salsa and a squeeze of lime, and green (pesto)eggs and ham all went down very well. Brunch was a peppered with a number of calls with some furious phone bidding at an art auction - a purchase made!!   Post brunch we toured the area looking at the real estate for sale.  Oh to be so lucky!! to have a home in this heavenly place.
QUIZ:  14/15
ANDREW: Tired from the birthday parties celebrations . But, still loved the beauty of this Palm Beach Cafe as well as my scrumptious food and beverage. 4.5 golden eggs. 

BRAD: 4.5 golden eggs. Chichi, age shall not weary them.

SAL:  I love this place - 5 golden eggs!! great food, great location, wonderful ambience. 

Saturday 22 October 2011

Camperdown Canteen (15 Fowler St, Camperdown) 22nd Oct

A great week. On one side of the planet a tyrant is removed. On the other, a true sovereign blessing her people with style and grace. The beginnings of summer, with a view over Camperdown Park, people relaxing on picnic rugs and it's Saturday at 10am.

Food was fluffy scrambled eggs, (would have been great with a tomato relish) eggs benedict with bacon and a big brekkie sandwich - the full monty with poached eggs, bacon, cheese, rocket and herbs all above average and served promotely. Coffee was great.

Got the feeling these people care about their locals lovely atmosphere.

Quiz Results = 15/15!!! how smart are we....


Andrew: 5 Golden Eggs. Recommended by my dear Kel doll this was sensational. Loved everything about it. My meal was delightfully delicious. Perfect start to our brunch club birthday week (two of our birthdays are this coming Thursday on the same day can you believe it?).  15/15 for the quiz was thrilling it's been a while. And I'm in an especially good mood because the gigantic toad is finally dead.

Sal: I've driven by many times but never stopped - so it was illegal parking this morning! Loved it from the moment I arrived; relaxed, great service by a good looking sort from Tamworth, and great coffee served in YSL coloured cups - 4.5 golden eggs.  Oh, and great bonus seeing Mrs Rabbit who popped in mid-brunch and meeting Phoebe.

Brad: It was a winner the moment I sat down and saw the sugar bowls with a correct sugar spoon for appropriate portion control. 41/2 golden eggs. Unpretentious, reliable and good honest service.
NB: Today's post comes to you live from the postgrad digs and art of one of our sponsors.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Citrus (227 King St, Newtown) 15th Oct 2011

Hello blogworld, long time no talk. Apologies for that. One of us has been off USAing while the other two have been most busy with their work and PHDs respectively.

What fun we had today! Although not all of us liked the cafe itself while some of us really fell for itfound it pleasant. Citrus cafe is on the northern end of King st before the Dendy and is one of those lovely King st cafes which open out onto the street. And you know you are on King st when one of the juices is called 'lush boy'. Overall, opinions of the food varied and the service was good to begin with but waned when we didn't order our food automatically. Then in terms of atmosphere one blogger deemed it 'plain' while another liked its open street feel.

This morning it was just back to the three of us again after a big last two weeks with numerous esteemed guests and even a country expedition to north-west New South Wales when the brunch club went on tour. Conversation topics canvassed (I sound like Malcolm Turnbull) films (please everyone go see 'Take Shelter'), Qantas union strikes and USA vs Aus pronunciation with a conclusion that Americans tend to phonemically follow the spelling eg. 'endure, opportunity' but then have weird spelling for 'pajamas. We definitely had consensus on the fact that dihorrea must have had a weird origin because the spelling is wildly different to the phonemics of it so we proposed a new spelling 'dia-rear'

ANDREW SAYS: 3.5 eggs. "Enjoyed my food and love the street feel. But maybe I'm cheap and will just praise anything"
SAL SAYS: 2 golden eggs. "They need to reupholster their cushions. Food was nothing special."
BRAD SAYS 2.5 golden eggs. "Too noisy"

Tuesday 4 October 2011

'Nebea' - COONAMBLE (1-4 Oct)


Well, where to start. After much planning and in fulfillment of a promise made almost 20 years ago, the Brunch Club set off at 6:00am from Petersham to make the long journey to Coonamble for breakfast at the ancestral home of the Lampe clan.

We stopped at the Foxwood Cafe in Running Stream for our first coffee of the day - a delightful spot, with delicious home made pies, and a fire to sit around whilst we had coffee.

More coffee at the Butchers Cafe in Mudgee excellent coffee and discussion on education policy

The brunch that awaited us was more a feast of Biblical or perhaps Royal proportions. Farm-fresh produce, coffee, pots of fine tea, and something a little stronger for the the weary travelers was all lovingly prepared by our hosts in the new kitchen which looked like a page from a Vogue magazine,
brilliant work by local Interior Designer Susan Jane Lawrance well done!! 

Brad was a little taken aback by the initial enquiry, 'would you like to see the shag in the pool?' and may be why we only scored 12.5 in the quiz. And this was despite having no fewer than 10 people contributing and Rohan even knowing the capital of Mongolia. The theologians (read: Andrew and Brad) were ashamed not to know how many days Jonah spent in the whale - 3 by the way, but all was soon forgotten when Andrew suggested taking urine samples to test the theory about asparagus.

In short, this legendary brunch started at 1.30pm and went on until 6.30pm that evening. It's success overwhelming and reflected in the scores:

BRAD: 6 golden eggs (out of 5). What can I say? Talk about country hospitality! All is now right with the world.
SAL: Hear! Hear! A Triumph on all fronts! I give it as many golden eggs as the scale will allow.
ANDREW: 555 out of 5.  Mum, your new kitchen is breathtaking which earns my inflated score.. 21 years late but still in every way worth the wait. Nowhere can every beat home especially after returning from a very mixed quality overseas trip.
LAMPE HOSTS: Just wonderful to have our most loved in our new beautiful kitchen.

Men around a fire...

Other highlights of the weekend included:

Quad bike riding where the lessons were short but Hugo had full confidence in the driver!
A visit to the historic Nebea Woolshed. What a treat to see this piece of Australian history still standing.
A side trip from the shed to the shearers quarters evoked recollections of a scene from Wake in Fright!

Ah, country life!...

Week-end Guests included Bethel and Betty, Netty & Graham, Malcolm, and local fang farrier Mark.
We were also guests at Sunday lunch hosted by the fabulous Helen and Frank, tennis played, camp oven produced a wonderful lamb roast, fire by the Castlereagh.

Return journey via Mudgee - lunch at High Valley, red wine from Peterson's and olive oil from Bling. A visit to the Lawson homestead and a wonder in the garden to see the Tea Drinkers by Tom Bass. Onward to Springwood where we had to break into the family home for a cuppa to revive us for the downhill run. What a memorable week end!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Delicados (Blues Point Rd, North Sydney) 24th Sept 2011

As a last taste of civilisation before one of our members tramped off to the mud of cadet camp, we treated ourselves to a little Spanish flavour at Delicados. 

Waited upon by the mandatory private school boys, a family friendly environment with a multi-purpose edge. Clearly a great tapas, wine bar at night, we were, however restricted to breakfast and purchasing some pastries to take away.

Good relaxed ambience. The service was fine but sometimes confusing with the multi-waiter approach - not our preferred method.

Conversation was a varied affair. Our two guests digressed into what could only politely be described as being..., well, ... impolite. I hope they let us back.

Quiz results - mediocre. Best forgotten.

Sal: 4 golden eggs. Mango muesli in a matini glass. Beautiful. 
Brad: Loved the baked eggs. 3 1/2. Only because it was a little predictable.