Brunch club was relieved after last week to not have to battle the dogs for our food or deal with batty dog owners. It was also a very nice touch to have a large bookshelf line our view as we ate (though we think 3 copies of Dan Brown's turd Da Vinci Code lowered the feeling).

Food & coffee opinions were very mixed with some members effusive while otherwise were underwhelmed. Unanimity was reached however on the unkind obscurity of the google-infused Good Weekend quiz this morning leading us to wonder if the SMH had been reading our blog of late & noticed our very high recent scores. Bravely, we managed 14/20.
BRAD: 3.5 out of 5. Food not up to the high standards of my glasses or my name-dropping (did I mention in the last week alone I had dinner with both Kate Mulvany & Malcolm Brown)

SHELLEY: 3 out of 5. Food & coffee not up to the standard of the Singapore experience I have just come from.
CAZ: 4 out of 5. I recommended this place so I'm rating highly. And this time I wasn't too distracted by facing the bookshelf given my love of books. Too many Dan Brown, Bryce Courtenays & Gretel Kileen's 'Visible Panty Line' which excited Andrew no end.
ANDREW: Yes I do have a sick childish sense humour. To further prove my childishness I brought a teddy bear to brunch which I thought was a nice silly touch which would bring a light silly fun tone to proceedings this morning but instead lead to me being likened to Sebastian in 'Brideshead Revisted'.
Cafe ratings = 4 out of 5 for the exceptional quality of the soy latte. Best soy latte I think I've ever had at a cafe, caramel like. Also my 'not so little breakfast' was delicious in a not so little way.
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